Cute 3D Color Picker

Keep Creating Fun

For Creatives & Handmade Sellers

Cute 3D Color Picker

For Handmade Sellers & Makers

Small Business Resources

Resources that are especially helpful for the handmade seller, Etsy shop owner, and for a home based business.

crafty hoarders
AI conversation

AI and Me

Can AI be useful to your small business? Can it do it for free? Is it easy? You’ll be happy to learn that the answers are yes, yes and yes!

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CF Fans

Allow me to introduce FANS! Fans is the new kid on the block and it’s so easy I had to share it with you… my makers!

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domain names

Your Own Domain

Seriously though. Even if you do not plan to run a website. You should grab your dot com domain for your small business. Resources and Tips

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Shop Small 2018

Shop Small and Small Business Saturday is backed by American Express who will supply you with marketing materials for your small business.

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