Cute 3D Color Picker

Keep Creating Fun

For Creatives & Handmade Sellers

Cute 3D Color Picker

For Handmade Sellers & Makers

Database Fun With AirTable


Have you heard of Airtable? Well I just started using it, so there’s no way that I can do it justice here, but if you need to organize anything …you should check it out!

Having a database can be fun and easy! Who knew?!? I was just able to upload 200 detailed listings, with full size images AND I can now manipulate that data any way I need to. Best part? It’s free! The free option is really generous and fits my small business needs without an upgrade. Whether you need it for business or personal use (for instance a move, or wedding, or anything!), they have so many awesome tools (think color coding, simple check box, calendar, collaborators, etc.).

Please use my (affiliate) link!  Even if you only need the free option.  I will get credit for you having signed-up (with no payment information required) and verifying your email.  That credit may help me later if/when I outgrow the free option… assuming that happens. 🙂


I’m kind of loving Airtable right now!

Airtable is a flexible and friendly way for you to collaborate on tasks, projects, ideas and more. It's like a spreadsheet, but much smarter. Get started in 10 seconds or less with one of our prebuilt templates.

CHECK OUT AIRTABLE and get it together!

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