What’s a Promo Box anyway? Well, check it out! I was so impressed that I felt it necessary to share this with you!
While purchasing a quick supply of business cards, I saw this interesting offer. They choose what they will send, and how they will apply your branding. I’m not a huge “Try it, you’ll like it” fan, but for the price, I could hardly go wrong, right? So I gave it a try. Well… here we are!
So if your business is all branded and have your logo ready to go, I want you to know about this amazing Promo Box from Vista Print.
Totally worth a try and the 1st box is only $5! True story!
This is a picture of my first promo box. While, I would have done a couple of things a little differently, the quality is excellent and the value unquestionable!
Inside the box:
- 1 – Sheet of 20- 1.5″ Round Stickers
- 10 – Note Cards and (plain white) Envelopes
- 2 – Pens
- 1 – Great T-Shirt
- 1 – $10 off Coupon
They send you one box a month ($24.99 after the 1st one)

Update. I don’t see the promo box on their site anymore. This doesn’t mean that it won’t show up when ordering (which is how I got it). Though emailing and asking about it might help.
I did find their sample kits though: Vista Print Sample Kits