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How to Reduce Etsy Receipt and Packing Slip Size!

Etsy Tip

Save Ink and Paper by using 1 page to print both the order AND the packing slip!

It’s time to share this Etsy Tip in a post.  When you receive an order from Keep Creating Fun that was placed in the Etsy shop, you typically will receive a packing slip that is the size of 1 half sheet of paper.  I’ve been asked a few times how it is that I get them that size.

This is my best effort to explain.  I hope it makes sense!

Please note that this is done on a PC and I have no idea how a Mac may differ.

Here's How

My printer is set to print letter size and the orientation is portrait.

I have Etsy set to print a packing slip and an order receipt, so that it’s two pages per order.

  1.  When I go to print an order, a new tab opens with the little printer icon on the top right. Clicking the printer icon opens a new screen with options on the left.
Etsy Tip - Half Sheet
Etsy Tip - Half Sheet

2.  Rather than just hitting print at this point, I go to the bottom where it says “Print using system dialog” …when this is clicked, it brings up the printer box.

3.  Now from here, go into (click on) the printer preferences for the printer that you’re going to use, and on the right, choose pages per sheet, “2”.   Click print.

Etsy Tip - Half Sheet

That’s it!

The order and the packing slip will then print side by side, on 1 piece of paper.

I cut that in half with a simple, paper trimmer, and one is for you and one is for me! (Comment on paper trimmers:  They are made in large and small sizes, and can be expensive and inexpensive.  If you don’t have one, think about what else you might use it for to determine your true needs.)

Note that you’re using 1 piece of paper per order.  If you don’t keep a copy for yourself, or you don’t send a packing slip, you might want to test this out.  I think that you will still get a half sheet, but if you don’t have an even number of orders, or an order takes up more than one sheet; one half sheet will be left blank.)

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