Cute 3D Color Picker

Keep Creating Fun

For Creatives & Handmade Sellers

Cute 3D Color Picker

For Handmade Sellers & Makers

2017 USPS Ship By Dates, Holidays, and FUN!

Funny old post archive

Do you have a minute to spare?  If not, please go ahead and read the rest of this post for the important date information that it contains.

If you DO have a minute… well, you just know I’m all about color and fun, and the USPS has created a fun little banner for us!  So I’m just going to preempt my own content and put their link right here:

Go ahead!  Take your mouse and drag it around the banner!  COLOR!!!  I know… I’m pretty darn easy to entertain.  This has since been removed.

On to my original, updated post.

The dreaded question for every seller:  “Will my order get here by (insert impossible date here)”

Hopefully knowing these Post Office Holidays will help you be prepared to answer those questions and get your packages out in time!

Per the USPS, it is recommended that you ship by these dates for 2017 Holiday delivery:

Military Mail

Please visit the USPS website for more information on all of their services.


Care to share?
