Cute 3D Color Picker

Keep Creating Fun

For Creatives & Handmade Sellers

Cute 3D Color Picker

For Handmade Sellers & Makers

Crafty Hoarders

crafty hoarders

Guys I saw a conversation between crafters today and I had to smile (and write about it).

They were talking about the thick, hard cardboard core that you’re left with when you use up a roll of Dymo labels.  Goodness.

This applies to so many things …like rolled vinyl tubes, cardboard (and plastic) tape rolls, paper towel and toilet paper rolls.  Ok how about empty pill bottles! lol

Anyway people were talking about what they do with them.  Let’s face it, we’re creatives and so by default, we’re at least a little bit crafty hoarders!

Creatives NEED to use stuff in a cool new way!  Yes of course there’s always the recycle bin… but really… no fun there.

Ways to use toilet paper rolls

So what do you do with your crafty hoard?

I trust that you save all these amazing little pieces of possibility piling up somewhere.  Well, here are some of the thoughts that I saw fly by:

Use as part to include in a craft kit, or give to an art teacher for a class project.

For what kind of craft though?

A base roll to keep other pre-printed labels neat.

One brilliant crafter uses them to build on when needle felting

One creative crafter uses them to build on when needle felting (then removes them) and she said they're the same diameter to build on for wine bottle stoppers!

Give them to your kids and/or pets.

Not so sure about this one.

Then I looked for a few ideas online and want to share these:

Ok there are WAY more ideas out there than I thought!  I’ll just leave you with a link or two:

Super Cute Idea from Ocean Child Crafts!

Let's pick this up on Facebook!

Tell us what YOU do with them!

Care to share?
